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Network Marketing Opportunities

The Brands listed on this page contain products that are sold through Network Marketing. You can purchase the products from these manufacturers by clicking on the names below and buying from them directly, with Sun Star Organics as your sponsor and referrer.

Chaga International

Chaga International is best known for its longevity and anti-aging products from the ancient wisdom of the East.

MediConsult is a German-based company which produces the world's best PEMF health devices. For more information: iMRS Technology Report:, Energy Medicine: site:

NatureRich Products
NatureRich is best known for their mineral soap, mineral bath and mineral gel.

Waiora Products
Waiora is best known for their zeolite product, Natural Cellular Defense (NCD), having made zeolite THE chelating agent for the detoxification of heavy metals, man-made carcinogens and other pathogens.       
     *Natural Cellular Defense

      *Antioxidant Chocolate with Zeolite     
      *Free Zeolite E-Book

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