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Sun Star Royal Himalayan Pink Crystals, Coarse 1lb

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Price: $12.95
Manufacturer: Sun Star Organics


This natural holisitc preious salt has been referred to as the "King of Salt". Its origin is from a pristine sea that existed approximately 250 Million years ago containing all 84+ minerals which are the foundation of life.

The minerals were transformed by nature into ionic colloidal form which makes them readily absorbable by the cells. The inherent information and energy (vibrational frequency patterns) allow the body to remember and reshape its original healthy harmonious condition.

Many of the best chefs the world over prefer to use this precious gem of salt, due to its quality and the extraordinary enhancement of flavor throughout the Gamut Cuisine.

Course - Contains 84+ minerals which are the foundation of life. Hand mined, sun dried in Pakistan.

Ingredients: 100% pure Crystal Salt from the foothills of the Himalayas. Mined, washed, and sun-dried with exceptional care, all by hand. Package in biodegradable cellophane bags.

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